Italian style of authentic gelato

Everyday we gather fresh milk from local producers, we pasteurise it, we make the cream that will form the basis for our handmade ice cream and then enrich it and give the taste we want, using fresh fruits, nuts, cocoa, cookies and generally pure ingredients without the addition of preservatives.

The production of ice cream in Crema Latte workshops has been the same for years and is based on the Italian style of authentic gelato and good quality raw materials.

Everything in hand, nothing industrial. This is the beginning of our philosophy. Whatever we can do in our own workshop, we do it!

The variety of flavors produced in CremaLatte has now exceeded 100. However, there are some that really stand out and characterise us like bubble gum that refers to the nostalgic flavor of bubble gum, the banofi, the yogurt strawberry, the apple pie, the lila pause, but also our most classics such as ferrero rocher, peanut, white chocolate, stracciatela etc.